Bright Minds Think Alike
ICT Concept & TSH, a perfect combination for growth

About ICT Concept



Joined TSH in







Legal Services

Focus solutions

Modern Workplace
Cloud Services
Microsoft 365

ICT Concept specializes in providing IT services to lawyers, notaries en bailiffs, with a focus on cloud, connectivity, workplace and cybersecurity solutions.

Your employees want convenience and reliability. They want to work without limitations and without problems. IT is not our customers business. Outages, slow hardware and inadequate support result in lost time. This in turn leads to loss of turnover, productivity and lower customer and employee satisfaction.

ICT Concept offers everything so that customers no longer have to “fuss” about ICT. Everything is taken care of. We bundle our knowledge and products with management services and a Service Level Agreement into Packs, for a fixed price per month.



Why does an entrepreneur choose to join TSH? What benefits did they see and experience? We asked them:

"Every day, we experience the benefits of sharing knowledge and experiences with the other MSPs in TSH."

Jenneke Wijma, Managing Director at ICT Concept: “In joining TSH, at the time ICT Concept was looking for a partner, not just an investor. An organisation that isn’t in for a short term profit, but for long term growth and improvement with a focus on making the company maintain its own brand and identity. 

Every day, we experience the benefits of sharing knowledge and experiences with the other MSPs in TSH. By leveraging our joint scale, we were able to address challenges and improvement projects within ICT Concept that we most likely would not have been able to overcome on our own.

It is a unique type of collaboration, that fosters the entrepreneurial spirit within our company, and TSH encourages continuous experimentation, sharing experiences and building on the best practices of others.”

Contact ICT Concept

Do you want to learn more about what ICT Concept does? Feel free to reach out.

ICT Concept is one of the market leaders in the Dutch IT for legal sector, and TSH can help them maintain and expand on that position.

Working at ICT Concept

System Engineer

  • Amersfoort, Amsterdam and Rotterdam
  • MBO
  • 40 uur
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Cloud Engineer

  • Amersfoort
  • Fulltime
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Senior System Engineer

  • Amersfoort and Amsterdam
  • HBO
  • Parttime and Fulltime
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